The traveling worlds move about Asphaeddai by way of the Iridrean, the place between the three spaces. The are the focal point of Dephaeden lore since they are the means by which the Anraphet has expanded. They are also the subject of myths regarding the early travelers of Asphaeddai. Of course, the travelers have their own ideas about the traveling worlds and where they come from.
What are the traveling worlds? You are not the first to wonder, nor the first to ask.
There must be thousands of them--millions perhaps. They go back before memory, to the very beginning of Asphaeddai. Are they barren worlds driven by Aeaden navigators? If so, the gods would be real and still they do not speak. Are the traveling worlds beings unto themselves? Only a being of its like would know for certain. I am not it. What if their secret is greater than we can ever know or understand? Would you accept that? I cannot, and so I travel, I seek, in hope to discover the truth to resolve impossible mystery--as will you. -Keth of Marandir |