Asphaeddai: The Known Universe
Asphaeddai is the totality of the known universe. It is comprised of three unique spaces or thears; Shaethear, the dark space, Tythear, the violent space, and Asthear, the bright space. Permeating all of the spaces is an extradimensional pathway called the Iridrean. The Iridrean is the means by which the traveling worlds move about the three spaces of Asphaeddai.
Shaethear: Dark Space
Dark space is a realm of stars, planets, physical laws, and empty space.
Tythear: Violent Space
Violent space is a realm of unfettered chaotic energy and unstable matter poised between Shaethear and Asthear.
Asthear: Bright Space
Bright space is a realm of conscious forms, shapes, and forces illuminated by plumes of glowing aether.