Gevere belongs to a race of immortal humans, the Dephaeden, who control a vast intergalactic empire by way of a seemingly endless network of traveling worlds. On the eve of her Coronation—tired of being an object of her father's power—Gevere flees his planet upon a traveling world.
While her father’s deadly servants pursue her across the worlds, she encounters a band of the fabled travelers. One of them, an outcast of her own kind, initiates Gevere, unlocking her powers as the truth of her people's immortality and mythic history unravels via the tales.
Joining them, she begins to understand the mystery of the traveling worlds, but is forced to confront her potential future among her people when her father's servants catch up to her and threaten her flight from a life that would never be her own.
While her father’s deadly servants pursue her across the worlds, she encounters a band of the fabled travelers. One of them, an outcast of her own kind, initiates Gevere, unlocking her powers as the truth of her people's immortality and mythic history unravels via the tales.
Joining them, she begins to understand the mystery of the traveling worlds, but is forced to confront her potential future among her people when her father's servants catch up to her and threaten her flight from a life that would never be her own.